Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's Not About Religion

  Over the past couple of weeks my eyes have been opened to some revelation that I'd like to share with you. Knowing God isn't about religion, it's about relationship and God's original intent... it's about the Kingdom of Heaven.

  Man has taken the precious Word of God, the lessons of Christ and reduced them to a religious experience that's more about emotion than reality. Man has reduced the teachings of the Bible to something that he can manipulate, mandate and control when, in reality, man can't do any of those things and have God's original intent.

  When God created the heavens and the earth, He was actually creating territory for an extension of Heaven. God was creating territory so He could build a colony of Heaven to be occupied, ruled, managed and maintained by His created children... the human race. Because of Adam's rebellion against what God told Him, man lost the kingdom God had created for him. Man committed an act of treason against the Kingdom of Heaven and thus allowed God's mortal enemy to come in and capture that territory. Man allowed God's enemy to occupy what God never intended him to have access to.

  Jesus Christ was sent to earth to wage war with the devil and to regain the lost authority on earth. God had to become man in order to be legal on this planet and to restore what had been lost. It took the royal blood of the King to buy back what was lost four thousand years earlier in the Garden of Eden. The price was high and we've not yet come to fully realize all that Christ did when He died, and when He rose again.

  I heard a minister this week put it so wonderfully when he said "There are a lot of people teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ; there just aren't many teaching the Gospel that Jesus taught." In Matthew chapter 4 Jesus made His first public statement as He began His ministry on earth. Jesus said "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Jesus wasn't a religious man! Jesus didn't come to teach some new religion. He didn't come to preach or teach religion at all. The message of Jesus was a message about the Kingdom of Heaven and how God wants us to come back to His Kingdom as His beloved children. Man has polluted the message and made it something to argue over, to dispute and challenge people with.

  Religion is something man came up with in order to try and explain God when, in fact, God doesn't need any explanation at all. Our Father, the King of the universe, gave us clear instruction and it's up to us to simple follow that instruction and learn to live in His Kingdom. Rather than think of God in terms of religion, we need to think of Him as King, and follow the teaching Jesus gave while He walked this earth. Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven the entire time He was here. All we have to do is read and study His message and then follow His example in order to find the peace, the love and the prosperity the Father has for us.

  In 2012 I'll be teaching a series of lessons on the Kingdom of Heaven and explaining just what Jesus taught. There won't be any religion, won't be any arguing and there certainly won't be guess work in it. If you're tired of religion, tired of bickering in the church and among people who claim to follow God; let me invite you to become a regular reader here and to follow me on my Internet radio program and YouTube. I'm writing the lessons and praying a lot about this. God is opening my eyes to the revelation that I never saw before. It is changing my life for the better and I hope it will change yours too.

  God bless you and keep you, may His face shine down on you and may you find His peace,


Monday, December 12, 2011

What I Believe

  I was ingaged in a conversation with a friend tonight who had told another friend about me and my online ministry. The question came up about what I believe and why it wasn't posted on any of my Internet sites. In answer to this this question, I'd like to post this for everyone to read so they know my basic core beliefs. While this isn't all I believe, it is teh foundation to which I have anchored my spiritual house and the anchor to which I hold.

  For the record: I am a Born Again Christian. I believe in the great God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God who delivered the children of Israel form Egypt; the God who sent His only Son to become the sacrificial Lamb that bought back man's dominion on this earth with His death on Calvary's Cross; the man named Jesus who rose from the dead on the third day and is now seated at the right hand of Jehovah in Heaven. I am a Believer, a Born Again Christian who is eagerly awaiting the Rapture of the Church and the moment when I will slip from this sinful world into the presense of my King. Until that day, I will be doing all I can to sing, preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lead as many souls as I can to a saving knowledge of Christ.

  For those of you who may be wondering, for those you who have asked; here are my core beliefs.

What I Believe:
The Lord Jesus Christ
I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. I believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world.
I believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin. I believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it.
The Holy Spirit
I believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity and in His interaction with man. I believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as manifested by the fruit and the gifts of the Spirit.
The Sacred Scripture
I believe in the scripture as the inspired Word of God and that it is the complete revelation of God's will for mankind. I believe in the absolute authority of the scripture to govern the affairs of men.
Stewardship and Tithing
I believe that every man is the steward of his life and resources which ultimately belong to God. I believe that tithing is a measure of obedience to the scriptural principles of stewardship.
The Church
I believe in the Church as the eternal and universal Body of Christ consisting of all those who have accepted the work of the atonement. I believe in the need for a local assembly of believers for the purpose of evangelism and edification.
Prayer and Praise
I believe in the worship of the Lord through singing, clapping, and the lifting of hands. I believe in the authority of the believer to ask freely of the Lord for his needs.
Body Ministry
I believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Church body through the anointing of oil by the elders of the church.
I believe that evangelism is the obligation of every follower of Jesus Christ. The Lord commands us to go out and make disciples of all the earth. I believe that each person is first responsible to evangelism in their own family as the Holy Spirit leads them and gives them the ability.
Water Baptism
I believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion in obedience to the Word of God. All those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior should be baptized in water as a public profession of their faith in Christ and to experience what the Bible calls the "circumcision of the Spirit."
Our Commitment to Israel
I believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. I believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful. I support Israel with my prayers (Psalm 122:3), with my finances (Romans 15:27) and love my Jewish brothers and sisters.
The Priesthood of the Believer
I believe that every believer has a unique relationship to the Lord. As His children, every Christian has immediate access to the throne of Grace and the ability to manifest the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in ministry.
Because of His saving grace,


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


  As we are coming ever closer to the end of the age I'm hearing so many ministers calling on people to repent before the coming of Christ. I too am making this appeal, but the Lord reminded me this morning that we need to be making another appeal, an appeal not to wait another second.

  None of know when we could meet an unfortunate death from a auto accident, a work accident or a sudden medical problem. We never know when our life could suddenly end without a warning and our soul would be required of us. In recent months I've heard stories of men being buried alive while working in a pit; I've watched news stories of high school athletes sustaining head injuries or having an unexplained heart attack while on the football field. Let's face it, we don't know when we might die.

  Less than one second after our bodies cease to operate, our soul will enter one of two places for all eternity. Less than a second after we've taken our final breath on this earth, we'll take our first breath in Heaven or in Hell. Heaven is a place that we plan to go, a place that we have determined in our hearts that we want to see and the only way to go there is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It is a choice that only you can make, not even God makes this choice. We make the decision by an act of faith in Christ, an act that I promise you will not regret.

  The other choice is Hell and I can promise you; there will be more people crying in agony in Hell than there will be celebrating in Heaven. Hell is not a place anyone wants to go to. Hell is filled with souls that if they could, they would repent and leave as quickly as they could. In Hell there is no peace, no happiness and no rest from the endless torture and pain. I can promise you that no one wants to be there, but once there no one ever comes back.

  he point I want to make is this; you have to want to go to Heaven and you have to make Christ your Lord in order to go. Anybody can go to Hell, all you have to do is nothing and that's where you'll end up. All you have to do is just waste your life doing anything and everything your weak and unthankful body wants to do and you will end up in Hell. Again, less than a second after we die we'll either go to be with God or we'll go to be with the devil: there is no other choice or other place.

  If you died in the next five minutes, where would your soul spend eternity? If you drew your last breath in the next five minutes, would you find yourself in Heaven or Hell? You know the answer to this question better than anyone on this planet. You know where your soul would be and no, it has nothing to do with how good you've been. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord, if you haven't done what He said you should do, you will go to hell.

  I'm begging you not to wait another moment to make a decision for Christ. I'm begging you not to wait for someday, but to bow your head and accept Jesus into your heart right now. Just ask your Father to forgive you and ask Jesus to cleanse you. All you have to do is ask, and accept Christ into your heart by faith and you will be saved. This isn't religion, this is a relationship with the God that created you. This is a relationship with the One who will never leave you or let you hang alone ever again. Please, don't wait another moment to make the right choice: ask God to forgive you and He will do just that.

In Christ's service,


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Finances, God's Way

  Like so many of you, I’ve been wondering why God has so many pastors, evangelists and teachers teaching on prosperity and the financial blessings available to God’s children. I’ve pondered it many times and, over the past few months, God has even given me some messages on this topic. It’s really quite interesting for anyone who’ll take the time to listen and study it out.

  Much of what people believe is based on the tradition of me and manmade doctrines that do nothing but take away God’s power and God’s ability to bless His children financially. Much of what I was taught growing up was either wrong or not quite right and, the reason for this was bad theology. God has been opening my eyes to some wonderful things in this subject that I never knew; I wasn’t taught and have revolutionized my thinking.

  While I was praying today, God gave me some insight in this topic and gave me the first seven chapter topics for a book that I’m going to write. Some of the things He revealed to me while He was talking to me got me excited and made me see where I’ve been making a lot of mistakes in my own thinking and my own giving habits. God also showed me some of the things I’ve heard colleagues in the ministry say were actually right on target.

  The reason God has so many teaching this is because there will soon be a time when the only people who have money, who have the ability to take care of their family will be those who have been tithing, giving and planting seeds God’s way. There will soon be a time that only those who have placed their full faith and trust in God, who have been laying up stores and finances will have them. God will always take care of His people, but those who will learn these lessons and will do what God says do will have more than enough to weather the storm. Those who understand God’s way, will faithfully tithe and plant financial seeds in good ground and will put their full faith and trust in God; those are the ones who will have more than enough.

  I’m starting this book tonight and I hope to have it written and self published by the beginning of 2012. The things I’m writing about came from God and the Scriptural references will more than explain it. There is a biblical blessing over the finances of a Believer, and the sooner we figure this out, the sooner we’ll enjoy God’s blessing in all areas of our lives. If you’re sick and tired of being broke, not being able to save, not being able to bless people and ministries when you want to then this book will help you figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it immediately. 

  One of the things that God told me is that this book will be written in such a way that even a sinner, a person who isn’t versed in the Bible will be able to understand and put it into practice. This book will be easy to read and written in a non-theological way so that even kids can read it and know what to do.
  Will keep you guys posted on the books progress and when it will be available online. I hope and pray that this book is so successful that we can get a Christian publisher to pick it and publish it so mare people have an opportunity to read it, learn it and do it.

God bless you all richly,


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tell My People

  As I'm sitting down at my computer, it is Monday, November 7, 2011 and it's about 12:32 AM. I was just out walking and trying to get a very severe pain in my hip to ease, when I felt the Spirit of the Lord and He began to speaking to me in a way that He never had before. There was a real sense of urgency in His voice, like nothing I'd ever heard before. I didn't finish my walk, I came straight back into the house and went to my computer to write this blog.
  As I was walking, I heard the Lord say to me, "Tell my people I'm coming. Don't mince words, don't tell them I'm coming some day, tell my people I'm coming back soon. I want my children to know that the day is upon them when I will come for them and I want them to be ready. I want them to begin spreading the word and preaching the gospel with a real sense of urgency. No longer can they speak in relative terms, no longer can then speak as though my coming may be months or years down the road: I want them to spread the word as though I were coming any minute and to continue until I call them home." Needless to say, this was an eye opening word and feeling I had.

  As I'm typing this up, I feel like there is something about to happen that will trigger the remaining things that need to happen and set up the Church's exit from this planet. I feel like the things we've been seeing in the news, the words that have been coming forth in church service all over the world are a warning to us. Folks, the Lord's return is at the door and I've got a feeling, to put in the only way I can think of, that the Lord has His hand on the door knob and He's about to turn it.

  You and I have not got time to play religious games or spend our time on things that don't really matter. We've got to spread the word that Jesus is about to come and plead with our family and friends to make a decision while they still can. It is up to you and me to find a way to explain to them what is about to happen and get them to see that Jesus is about to shake this world up like it's never been shaken before.

  As I said earlier, there was a real sense of urgency in His voice like I've never heard before. It made me stop dead in my tracks from the stunning nature of His voice. IF you could've heard the voice I heard, there is no doubt in my  mind that it would have shaken any of you to the very depths of your heart and soul.

  I am begging you, if you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior; if you're someone who's been playing some sort of religious game or someone pretending to be a Christian: no matter your circumstance, I'm begging you to make sure that everything is right with God and that you're not playing any games. Each of us gets one opportunity to make the right decision, one chance to accept Jesus as Savior and if we miss it, Hell is waiting. There is coming a time, in the very near future, when being a Christian, praying to God or having a Bible will be a capital crime and the punishment will be death. There is soon coming a time with the Antichrist will require everyone be marked or suffer the penalty of death. You don't want to be here when God's fury is let lose on this earth.

  I'm begging you, please, make sure your heart is right with God and that you're doing all you can to live a life acceptable to Him. Please, make sure you're praying, tithing, helping those who need help and sharing a witness in this lost world. We've not much time, we've not much time at all so please, make every second we have left mean something for the kingdom of God.

Blessings and peace,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Date With Destiny

  I don't care who you are or how good you may be, we all have a date with destiny. It's a date that none of us can avoid, but it is one that we can prepare for. You see, according to the Bible (Hebrews 9:27) we all have an appointment with death, and after that: judgment. This isn't some fairytale or some story some old guy made up to scare people; this is an unavoidable fact. One second we're alive on this earth and the next, we're facing eternity.

  The question all of us have to answer is this: where are you planning and preparing to spend eternity? have you made up your mind where you're going? This is such an important decision that God wont even make it for you. This is a decision that you have to make for yourself and you also have to plan for it. No one is going to make it for you, no one can and, if you decide not to make the choice now... you're going to wish you had.

  There are only two choice any of us can make and here they are. We can choose to do nothing and live life our own way. You may get away with this for a while, but it will catch up to you when you die. Live life on your own terms, your own way and that's the same as slapping God in the face. This will land your soul in a place you don't want to go and, it's a place you were never intended to go to: HELL. Yes, despite what any guru ever told you, Hell is a literal place and its everything the Bible said it is.

  Hell was created for the devil and those angels that decided to follow him in making war against God. It didn't work so good for them and they all got kicked out of Heaven. God had to create a place worthy of a being, a created being that thought he could defeat the Creator so, God created Hell. Hell is the home of the Lake of Fire, the souls that rejected God's love gift and all the demons, devils, witches and souls that decided not to get saved. This is a place where you find nothing but weeping, wailing, sorrow and souls crying out in anguish day and night with no end. Hell is in the center of the earth and there's nothing cool or good about it.

  For those people who don't accept Jesus as Lord and Savior... this will be their eternal home. The worst part about Hell isn't the darkness, it isn't the heat and it isn't living for eternity with the devil. The worst part about Hell is the separation from being able to feel God's presence. Yes, those souls in Hell can't feel God.

  Jesus came to this earth for one reason and one reason only; to become the sacrificial Lamb that would buy back what Adam lost in the Garden of Eden. When Adam sinned, he gave up his authority, his dominion and his relationship with God. He have up the most precious thing God could ever give man and, he allowed sin to enter what was a perfect place. This brought on God's curse and now, all people are born with a sin nature instead of a God nature.

  From the time of Adam, until Christ was crucified, an animal sacrifice would cover man's sin from one year to the next. It couldn't grant total forgiveness, but it would buy man time. When Christ came and died on the Cross, He paid the debt He didn't owe and the debt that you and I could never pay. He became a human so that He could die, go to Hell and defeat the devil once and for all. This made it possible for us to be able to go to God directly and ask Him to forgive us. There's a verse in the Bible that says "while we were yet sinners, Christ died so we might live."

  It doesn't matter how morale you are, how good you are or how much money you give to charity; the only thing that matters is whether or not you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died to pay for your sin and that He rose on the third day. That you've humbled yourself and asked God to save your soul and that you've turned your back on sin, Satan and all the things that will cause you to lose your relationship with God. Folks, I'm not here to talk about religion or joining some church, I'm here to talk about a one on one relationship with God and Jesus.

  Look, we all have a date with destiny and it isn't something we can put off or wait until the last second to get ready for. We don't know when we're going to die. You could be driving home from work tomorrow, walking through your neighborhood market or be sitting in your living room watching TV and suddenly die. The moment, the very second your body ceases to work, your soul leaves your body and goes to the place you've chosen for all eternity. There isn't a day off, there is no escape and there is no parole. Which ever place your soul goes to, its there forever. You're the one who make a choice, and it needs to be the right one.

  I'm asking, I'm begging you; don't put this off. Don't think for one minute that you can do this at the last minute because, you may not have a chance when your time comes. You may not be able to ask forgiveness when your date with destiny comes around. You could be killed in an accident, die of a heart attack or be the victim of a terrorist: we just don't know when or where we're going to die or be killed. Are you really willing to risk everything on a maybe? Are you going to gamble your eternal destination on a hunch or what some dude thinks when the facts are real? I know for a fact that if any of the souls in Hell could come back and talk to you, they'd all say the same thing; "man you do not want to ever see what's in Hell and yes, it is VERY real."

  Jesus paid your debt with His life. He gave His all for you and all He wants, is for you to love Him back. Just believe that He is the Son of God, that He died for you and that on the third day He came out of that tomb alive and well. Then, just ask Him to forgive you and to set your soul free. He's waiting to hear your prayer, please don't disappoint Him.

  Once you've prayed that prayer, find a local church and ask the pastor to help you get started as a new Christian. He'll help you take your first steps and help you become a strong Christian, a cool Christian and someone who will be able to help others find Christ before, their date with destiny.

God bless you,


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Christians Need To Support Israel

  I don't know how to make this more clear, I support and love Israel and I also love the Jewish people. Our Bible says, in Romans 15:27 "...For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things." Simply put, God's chosen people are the sons and daughters of Abraham and these people are the Jewish people. They have preserved the Holy Scriptures for thousands of years and gave us the First Family of Christianity which is Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We Christians were graphed into the family because of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

  More than ever before, the Jewish people need our prayers, our love and our support. The angry clouds of war are gathering over the Holy Land as Russia and the Muslim nations surrounding Israel prepare to attack God's people. Daily, rockets are flying into villages and town wounding and killing men, women and children whose only crime was to be born Jewish and love the One true God. While the United Nations seems to always side with Israel's enemies, those enemies of Israel are waging a war against God's people. While Israel does its best to recognize all people's and their right to exist, the nations of the world still refuse to recognize this nation, the Jewish State of Israel that has given so much to the world.

  As Christians, it is our biblical obligation to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to pray for the Jewish people and it is also our obligation to support Israel with our "carnal" things as well. Yes, I'm taking about supporting Israel with our finances whenever we feel led and whenever can. Support any number of the great organizations that help feed, clothe and shelter God's children. Support efforts to care of the orphans, widows or help organizations that provide help to those who are trying to migrate to Israel. No matter what you feel led to do, God will bless your efforts and you will be a blessing to those who need our support.

  Personally, I support Christians United For Israel with finances and I am also a member of this great organization. I have watched CUFI grow into the largest pro-Israel organization in the United Sates and have seen the results of the thousands of people who have given to support the many causes CUFI supports. While there are a great many organizations supporting Israel, this is the one I felt led to become a part of. My online church, The Home Church, is also a member of CUFI and supports CUFI with offerings, prayer and posting information they supply from Israel.

  Here's the main point I want to make: no matter what, Christians need to support Israel with our prayers. King David, the great warrior king of Israel, wrote in Pslams 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee." God made a promise here that you need to listen to and need to understand: God promised that HE will bless those that pray for Jerusalem (meaning Israel) and HE will bless those that support Israel with their finances. God promised Abraham this when He said " And I will bless them that bless thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." The whole of the earth has been blessed because and by the Jewish people so, lets support them with our very best prayers and offerings. Don't let a day go by that you don't take a moment and pray for God's chosen people and for the City of Jerusalem.

God bless Jerusalem and the State of Israel: God bless and keep you,


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Technolgy And The Gospel

  We're living in an age of amazing technology. No matter where we go, we can now take equipment with us to keep in touch with our family, friends and others who follow us. There's cellular telephone, text messages, email, FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube to just name a few. All of these things allow what has become known as "Social Networking" which could be used to promote the Gospel.

  As Christians, we need to take the tools of technology and use them for evangelizing the world around us. We can use all of these tools to reach people with the message of Christ's love and salvation through faith in Him. We should be using these tools to tell what Christ has done for us, how He saved us, held us, and how we've found peace and understanding through our faith and belief in Christ.

  I'd like to challenge each and every one of you to use your various "social networking" tools for spreading the Gospel. Instead of using these things to just keep people updated on what you're doing or just for keeping track of friends and family; let's use these wonderful tools to spread the Gospel, send our devotions, inspiring Bible verses, make short videos that express our love and devotion to our Lord. Come on, post great sermons you find on YouTube to your FaceBook page, post Christian music videos and when you find a great Scripture that moves you, by all means share with everyone on your various friend lists.

  The world is using this technology to spread things that aren't fit for consumption so, let's use it to tell the story of Jesus and His great love. Let's use every tool God puts in our hands to inspire, to witness and to express our love. Satan wants to use all of this to entrap people, to pollute the Internet with pornography and music that isn't spiritually healthy for people. Let's come together and make the world a better place by taking these tools and using them for God's glory.

  Join me and my friends as we spread the Gospel of Christ around the world with our cell phones, iPads, computers and smart phones. Let's evangelize this lost and dying world with the Good News of Christ's saving grace while we await Christ's return to carry the church home to Heaven.

God bless you and keep you,

Pastor Dave

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Warning To Christians

  In the wee hours of this morning, I heard what I believe to be the voice of the Lord. It was a short message, but it's one that all Christians need to pay close attention to. We are far too close to the end to be making stupid mistakes.

  The words I heard were these. "Tell My children they're watching too much television. They are polluting their hearts, minds and spirits by viewing they shouldn't. I wish that they would spend their time reading My Word, praying or, at the very least, watching programs where My Scriptures are being taught.

  Turn it off and stop watching things that promote sin, programs where they take My name in vain and they promote sexual immorality. Turn off that television and spend more time talk with Me, praying and promoting the Gospel.

  When you do watch television, only watch programs that you would not be ashamed to watch if I, the Lord your God were sitting next to you; for I am always there with you. IF you wouldn't watch it with Me in the room, you shouldn't watch it at all.

  Behold, My Son is coming quickly, be ever mindful and ready for His coming. I, the Lord God Almighty, have spoken."

At this point I heard the Lord say, "Warn them to be careful what they put before their eyes and allow access to their hearts." Folks, we need to be careful and need to be mindful of what we put before our eyes, the things we listen to and the things that we support with our dollars. Jesus is coming soon and He's coming for a faithful church that is ready, and serving him with all of their hearts.

God bless you and keep you. In Christ's love,


Thursday, September 22, 2011

To False Watchmen

  On my Internet Radio program today, I delivered a message to false "Watchmen On The Wall" from the great God Almighty. The Lord gave me this message earlier in the week and, because of its nature, I wrestled with it several days before delivering it. I wanted to make sure that this message was coming from God before I delivered it to the world.

  We're living in a day when there are a great many claiming to be watchmen on the wall and they're attacking ministers and ministry's left and right. This isn't right, it isn't biblical and it's just flat out wrong. To openly rebuke a brother or sister, especially when the only reason is a dispute in doctrinal opinion, it just wrong; and to do it while claiming God told you to do it... that would be SIN.

  Here's the message God gave me for those who falsely claim to be watchmen on the wall.
  "To those who falsely call themselves "watchmen on the wall." You who claim to be called by God to expose false teachers and preachers: know that the Lord God of Israel is watching you. Is it not written in My Word, touch not mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm?" Yet you speak evil of those I have called, you falsely make accusation against My true ministers.

  Thus says the Lord of host, I am watching you and your deeds are being recorded. Therefore you need to repent of your wrong before Me. Repent of your evil ways and stop making false accusations against my ministers.

  I am the God of Creation and I know those I have called and what I have called the to. I know who are My true ministers and those who are not. I will expose those who are false ministers and I will deal with them Myself."

  As the Lord gave me this, He reminded me that there is a prescribed method to deal with brethren who have erred in their belief and doctrinal stance; there is a way that God wants us to use when dealing with situations like this and it does not include openly rebuking people on television, radio or Internet. Openly attacking a person does more harm than good.

  Most of the people we see claiming to be "watchmen" are self called and they attack people with whom they disagree, not because that person is wrong, just because they disagree. It's also important to note that Satan is the one who falsely accuses the brethren, so anyone who is assisting in making false or misleading accusations is working with the devil, not God.

  If you've got a problem with a fellow Christian, take it to them in love and try to work it out. If they won't listen to you, take witnesses and try again and, finally, if they won't hear you; take it before the church through the pastor. This is God's way of dealing with internal problems within the Body of Christ.

James 4:10-12
I Chronicles 16:22

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An End Time Scenario

  As I've been looking at all the news pouring out of the Middle East, New York and Israel I'm faced with the fact that Bible prophecy is coming to pass faster than ever before. We're seeing the foundation for the beginning of the end coming together at light speed. We're seeing the Muslim nations, all of which are mentioned in the end time prophecies, banding together and threatening war with Israel and the United States should the Palestinian Authority not be granted statehood by the United Nations.

  The time has come for all of us to make sure that our souls are right with God. We need to make sure that we're right, and that we're sounding the alarm to our unsaved family and friends. We, as Christians, must take this very seriously and not waste a moments time. Yes, while all the signs indicated that Jesus could very easily come back during the season of Rosh Hashanah, there is also a chance He won't. The beautiful thing here is this; even if Christ doesn't come back at the end of this month, we all need to be saved because, the signs say it won't be long. There can be no mistake, Jesus is coming VERY soon.

 As I'm looking at the news coming out from the Middle East and the United Nations, I've been dealing with thoughts and feelings in my spirit. With the Palestinian National Authority trying to force a statehood vote in the United Nations this week, and their threat to go to war if they don't get what they're seeking, I'd like to put forth a scenario that could very easily present itself as this week unfolds. This scenario could very easily happen and the sad fact is, it just might.

1. The vote for the Palestinian Authority statehood fails in the United Nations;
2. Failure send the Muslim's into the streets of East Jerusalem and an armed conflict explodes;
3. The Palestinian Authority calls on all Muslim nations in the region to come to the aide of their "brothers" and attack Israel. This puts the entire region into a war footing where thousands are wounded and killed;
4. The Hamas terrorist group in Damascus launches a chemical and or biological attack on Northern Israel and the West Bank. This attack results in hundreds, perhaps thousands of wounded and dead. Israel would then be forced to counter-attack and they would wipe Damascus off the face of the earth; thus fulfilling the prophecy found in Isaiah 17;
5. Damascus gone, the Arab/Muslim world would thus be out of control and wanting a Jewish blood bath. Russia, who is now Iran's greatest ally, would step in and muster all the Muslim nations together for war. They would select a location near Jerusalem to gather this massive army together and prepare the attack. The only perfect place in Israel, the only location big enough to hold an army the size of what would be coming, is the Jezreal Valley. This location is also known as Armageddon;
6. We would the see Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 come to pass as God comes down to defend the apple of His eye, Israel. Five out of six attackers will be killed in this battle as God let's the world know, He is God and Israel is His;
7. As soon as the smoke begins to clear, a Muslim man will emerge claiming to have a peace plan that will give everyone what they want. The Palestinian's would have their state, Israel would have their Temple and peace would be brought to the region. The parties will meet immediately, probably in Jerusalem and in a very short period of time, news will come that a seven year peace agreement has been reached and will be signed quickly;
8. While this is taking place, at some point near Rosh Hashanah, the world suddenly finds itself dealing with millions of missing people. All over the world millions of people are suddenly missing and the missing have one thing in common: no matter where these people are, the missing are Christians. While peace is reached in the Middle East, the world is trying to explain why all these people are missing;

  At the moment the first signature is affixed to this seven year peace treaty, the Tribulation Period will begin. The Muslim man who brokers this peace deal is the Antichrist of the Bible. This is the one who will soon become the world dictator and the one who will kill millions of Christian's and will bring about the Mark of The Beast, 666.

  Yes, I do believe that this could be the year that Christ will return for His bride, the church. Yes, I do believe that Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets) is the most likely time of His returning. My main concern is that there are so many who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior and, there are so many who are lukewarm Christians and needing to rededicate their lives to God. Folks, there is a very good chance that Jesus could return in the coming days. We all need to make sure that our souls are right with God, that we warn our family and friends and that we do all we can to spread the word and sound the alarm.

  My greatest desire, my greatest prayer is that we all will begin sounding the alarm and win as many souls to Christ as we can. Come on, let's put our theological and doctrinal differences aside and band together as the Church and win souls. Come on, time is short and we need to come together as a family, as children of God and do all we can, while we can.

Blessings and peace,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Is The Man of Sin Coming?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 (KJV)
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

  We know the signs of the times are indicating that we are the Terminal Generation and that the Rapture is upon us. The Scriptures we just read tell us that the “man of sin” must be revealed before Christ can return for the church; it would, therefore, make sense that the Antichrist is about to be revealed. It just stands to reason that, since we are on the verge of the long awaited Rapture, that this is about to happen and, it is going to happen in our day.

  I watched a program the other night where three gifted ministers discussed the three theories as to Pre, Mid and Post Tribulation Rapture. In their debate, they all agreed on this point: the Antichrist will be revealed to the Church before he would be revealed to the world. In other words, the Christians will recognize him for who he is before the rest of the world.

  On September 20th, the Palestinian Authority is forcing a vote in the United Nations. They are seeking to have the UN recognize them with some form of statehood. They want to force Israel to give up a lot of land, including the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem, in order to create this state. These are the indefensible borders Israel was faced with prior to the 1967 Ten Day War. This would divide Jerusalem, which is Israel’s capitol, and would virtually divide Israel in half.

  The Palestinian’s claim that the Jewish people have no legitimate claim to the land, but history tells us a different story: the Bible tells a different story. From the time of Abraham, when God gave this land to Abraham and his descendents, it has belonged to the Jewish people. David, the second king of Israel, took Jerusalem form the Jebusite people and established the capitol there. His son, king Solomon, built the first Temple on Mount Moriah and the Second Jewish Temple was built on the exact same spot later in history.

  Now the Muslims claim that there was never a Jewish Temple on that spot, but history clearly says there was. The Muslim’s have gone to great lengths to try and hide all the physical evidence where they have been removing debris from the Temple mount for hundreds of years… but the evidence remains and much has been preserved. Every time the Jewish people, or anyone else for that matter, digs up some more evidence near the Temple Mount, the Muslim’s cry foul and do all they can to stop the digging and hide the evidence.

  Now, we’re looking at this vote on September 20th. Should the Palestinian’s be denied statehood for any reason, it is believed that the Muslim world is poised to attack Israel in an attempt to take the land by force. Rumors, speculation and troop movements indicate that the armies of the Muslim nations that surround Israel, as well as the terrorist organizations that are situated on the northern and southwestern borders of Israel, are also ready to attack en mass. Many Muslim leaders are already calling for a jihad against Israel over the Palestinian state issue.

  Israel, on the other hand, is already a recognized nation. She was given her statehood on May 15, 1948. Israel was attacked by the Islamic nations within hours after becoming a state. Israel will not, and should not allow anyone to come in and take her land. Israel will not stand by while her capitol is divided or her land stolen from her for any reason. She is a sovereign nation and the land is hers. The land she currently occupies was won when she was attacked and, the she took that land from, Jordan, has officially relinquished claim to the land. The historic “Old City,” home to all of the biblical sites, belongs to Israel.

  Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that was created and given her land by the Creator, the great God Jehovah. In Genesis 15:18-21, Moses described the area of land God gave to Abraham and his descendants. Were Israel to occupy the land given them by God, it would include part of Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula, most of Saudi Arabia,  most of Iraq, all of Jordan, most of Syria, all of Lebanon and small piece of southwest Turkey. The Royal Land Grant will one day be a reality for God’s people just as He said it would be.

  Historically and legally, the Palestinian Authority has NO claim to any of the lands Israel now has and, if you want to be brutally honest, they need to go back from the countries they came from and ask them to give up land for another nation is they want one of their own so badly. The land of Israel belongs to God, and the apple of His eye, the Jewish people.

  Here comes the big picture. I am not alone in my belief that this could be the year that Christ comes for His church; nor am I alone in my belief that He could very easily come during the Feat of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah, which will begin this year on September 28th. The Palestinian vote is scheduled for September 20th, this coming Monday so, there would be plenty of time for something drastic to happen in the eight days between the two.

  Here is a possible scenario of what could happen. First, the United States has said that it would veto any vote to recognize the Palestinian State at this time and under the circumstances it’s trying to accomplish it. Should the United States veto the vote with its permanent member status vote, then the Palestinians could begin the call to all the Islamic nations to come together against Israel. They would, in their way of thinking, give them reason to wage war against the little satan, Israel, and the big satan which is the United States. In their view, going to war against Israel would be going to war against the US.

  Syria would launch an attack on the Golan Heights and, as I’ve predicted on previous episodes, they could use chemical or biological weapons against Israeli targets. IF they were to do this, Israel would retaliate with full force and would no doubt fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 17:1-3.

1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
3 The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.

  Israel would launch an all out attack on Damascus and would level that ancient city. This would then inflame the Muslim world causing them to gather for the battle of Gog and Magog spoken of in Ezekiel 38 & 39. At the end of this battle, there would emerge a Muslim man with a great plan to bring peace to the region and to eliminate war in that region of the world for 7 years.

  Ladies and gentlemen, should this happen, the Muslim man who suddenly shows up with a plan for peace, a plan to allow the Jewish people to build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount and bring all the nations in the region to the peace table… this man IS the “Man of Sin” the Antichrist of the Bible. This man will call together all the nations and will have a treaty for peace and it will be for seven years, just as the Bible said.

  Folks, we are the Terminal Generation. We are the generation that will see all these things coming to pass and, based on what is happening in the Middle East, the chances that this is the year of Christ’s return for His bride go up with each passing moment. The probability that Jesus could come back between now and Rosh Hashanah are very good. But even if this isn’t the year of His return, we know it can’t be much longer. We know, from all the news coming from Israel and the Middle East, only a blind person would not be able to see this. Only someone who isn’t paying any attention to the news, because they’ve got their head in the sand, would not be able to know, beyond any doubt, that we are the Terminal Generaton.

  Where is your soul right now? What is the condition of your soul should that trumpet sound in the next five minutes? The Bible teaches us that Christ is coming for those who are “loving His appearing.” He’s coming to take the faithful, the saints, those who are Born Again and looking for His return.

Friday, September 16, 2011

War Clouds In The Middle East

I'm watching The Hal Lindsey Report on TBN and hearing proof of what I've been afraid was building. It seems that the Middle East is poised to go to war with Israel over the Palestinian desire to split Israel in order to create a state of its own. Turkey, which was the home of the Turkish Muslim Empire, is calling on the Muslim world to war against Israel.

It seems that the Muslim world is ready, should the UN vote go against the PA, to immediately go to war against God's people. If they are unable to force a successful vote for statehood, they seem to be ready to attempt to take it by force. This is far more serious than many believe because it will ignite a war that will include all the nations of the Bible prophecy on the end time.

I am calling the Christian world to prayer for Israel, her leaders and the IDF. I'm asking all Christians to purchase a small globe and to hold it in their hands as they pray for the nations of the world and especially for Israel. I'm asking that every Christian pick a time they can pray each and every day and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to pray for the Jewish state and to pray for the government of the United States. Pray for all the nations of the world that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit will fill their hearts and souls. Pray like you've never prayed before.

Also, I want you to consider that there is a very real possibility that Christ could return for His church during the season of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. There is a real possibility that, in the coming days or weeks, the "man of sin," which is the Antichrist, could be revealed to Christians. This would indicate to us that we're about to be making our mass exodus from this world and finally going home. There is much to consider here as we're watching what's happening in the Middle East.
Pray my friends, and make certain that your sins are forgive and that you're doing all you can to warn your family and friends. Pray for them and show them with the Bible and the headlines how this is all coming together. We are at the end of the church age and when it is over, we're going home to be with God our Father for all eternity.

God bless you and keep you, may He grant you the ability to win your family and friends to Christ.

In Christ's service,
Dave Lillard

Monday, September 5, 2011

Why Don't You Post As Much As Others?

  This seems to be a question I'm asked every now and then so, I decided to post a little blog on this subject for those who follow me here.
  I don't post as often as some because I only post when I feel God speaking a word for me to post or something touches me and I feel like I want to share this. As a minister of the Gospel of Christ I have a responsibility not to post things that don't come directly from God. I refuse to make things up or listen to "voices" that aren't the voice of my God and King.

  As I've read some of the posts from some so-called "prophetic voices," I've been struck with how generic, non-specific and vague most are. They have no real message or follow any train of thought that even resembles something God would say. A lot of these "words" are coming directly from the minds of people who want to be prophetic, want to have a ministry, want people to believe in what they have to say and they prey of the biblically ignorant and the untrained reader. This is dangerous for the reader and especially for the writer who will be held accountable for everything they claimed came from God, but didn't.

  Please know that when God gives me a word that He wants me to write about or publish I will. Also please note that when something happens that I feel an urgency to write about, I'll do that as well. I just don't want to be posting things that are not ordained of God or that don't have a significant meaning.

  I hope you're all well and that the Lord is blessing you richly. There will be some posts coming in the next few days regarding prophecy in the news and the upcoming Rosh Hashanah Feast. I'm also praying about posting something for 9-11, but haven't felt a release from God yet on this.

Blessings, peace and much love,


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Show Them Love, Lead Them Home:

Show Them Love, Lead Them Home

 On Saturday, August 20, 2011, I was in prayer and Bible study when I heard the Lord speaking to me. He had a message for the church and He gave it to me. In this blog, I’m passing it along to those of you who read this blog.

  Tell My people that I have always tempered My message of judgment with My message of love and forgiveness.  Tell the Church that they too must always temper their messages with My love. Remind them that it is not My will that any should perish, but all should live. Tell My Church that the message should not be so forceful in My coming wrath and judgment; the message should be that I stand ready to forgive them, save them and love them.

  Tell My Church to place more emphasis on love, forgiveness and the salvation offered to everyone who will accept My Son as their Savior. I don’t want a single soul to be lost and as My Son commanded: ‘love the Lord your God will all your heart, mind, soul, body and strength; and your neighbor as yourself.”

  Love them and lead them to Christ before it’s too late. Love them as I have loved you and show them the way to forgiveness and to the peace that passes all understanding. Show forth the love of Christ until He comes.”

  After the Lord gave me this message, I began to think about the many people I’ve read blogs from and the many speakers I’ve heard over the past few months. One of the things that stood out to me was the very thing the Lord was speaking of here. I hear so much about the wrath of God, about His vengeance to come and about the judgment, but I’m not hearing that message tempered with the love of God toward those who don’t know Him. I hear a strong message about the doom, but very little about His compassionate heart, His willingness to save any and everyone who will ask His forgiveness.

  To my brothers and sisters who are active in the ministry, to everyone who is witnessing and trying to point souls to Christ; as you’re sharing about the coming doom and tribulation or about how God is going to pour out His wrath, never forget that this is only half the message. It does little good to tell them that they’re going to hell if you don’t explain to them how to become a Christian. If we don’t tell them about the forgiveness they can receive as a Believer in Christ, we’re doing them a tremendous dis-service. We’ve got to show them and tell them about the love of God that’s reaching out to them; we’ve got to tell them about the sacrifice of Christ to pay the debt they never could.

  Folks, we’ve all got to be careful to make sure we give them an opportunity to come to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We’ve got to go the whole way and do our best to win as many souls as we can to Christ and then help them get started in their new walk of faith.

  As always, please know that I love each of you and I look forward to one day meeting you, if not here on Earth then on the streets of Heaven as we give praise and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

A servant of the King,


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

God's Fall Feasts

  For as long as I can remember I've been told that the Feasts of Israel were Jewish feasts. I've also been told that Jesus came to do away with such things and that, as Christians, we've no need to observe or celebrate these days. As I've grown older, and have studied the Bible on my own, I've come to find that what I was taught growing up was WRONG. The feasts mentioned in the Bible are not Jewish feasts, they aren't the feasts of Israel... the feats days and God's!

  Like a lot of things taught from generation to generation, the teaching that the "Jewish Feasts" aren't for Christians and that "Jesus came to do away with all that Jewish stuff" are just plain wrong. The reason this was taught was because of the teachings of the early Roman church as well as early Christians who wrongly felt that the Jews were responsible for Christ's crucifixion. The early Roman church wanted to pull the attention from Jerusalem to Rome and to the practices of the Roman church. In order to do that, the early church fathers developed a teaching that eventually contributed greatly to the Antisemtic beliefs that many still hold today.

  In the old times, not everyone had a Bible because of the cost. Most of the people were poor and they relied on what the priest, pastor or teacher said. Until the Bible came available for all to read, the people were pretty dumb as to what it really said. Now, more and more Christians are becoming enlightened to the true teaching found in God's Holy Word. Thank God for the open revelation of His precious Word to the masses.

  In Leviticus Chapters 23 and 24, this old question is answered very simply. God told Moses that these were His feast and that they should be remembered throughout our generations, "for ever." God didn't call them Jewish feasts or feasts of Israel, no indeed. In Leviticus 23:2, God said "... even these are my feasts."  While the debate may rage on until Christ's return to carry the Church home, I would like to offer this thought: if God said we should celebrate these feasts, which are a portrait of Christ, throughout our generations, don't you think we should? Would it not be better to celebrate them, to remember them and find out later that we didn't have to, as opposed to finding out we should have and didn't? Something to think about, isn't it?

  Study your Bible so you can know what it says. Don't depend on someone else to teach you because they could be teaching you something that isn't really of God. Don't rely on some preacher, pastor, priest or teacher to always be right because none of us are perfect. Pick up that Bible of yours and read it for yourself and ask God in your prayer time what He meant and if He wants you to observe His feasts. As for me, I'm going to be observing the coming feasts. I'm going to be looking for and longing for the return of my Lord and Savior, Jesus.

  Thanks for reading this little blog and thank you for your prayers. For more information on the Fall Feasts of God, visit my BTR radio page at  God bless and keep you is my prayer.

A servant of the King,


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

End Times Deception:

  This word came to me and I'm posting it just as it came to me this morning. The words are not mine so, if you have a problem with them, I would suggest you pray about it with an open heart and mind.

  "I am He that was dead and now lives and will live for ever more. I am the Alpha and Omega: the beginning and the end. To My children write these words.

  My enemy is deceiving many with false words and false signs. He is sending forth his minions as angels of light, speaking half truths and lies that My children should recognize, but they do not. Words that do not ring true in the light of My written Word and yet, there are those among you that believe the lie. I have warned you in My Word that this day would come, that these false angels would be able to perform wonders and false miracles and yet, there are those who believe these things.

  Do you not know that any angel that brings a message that is contrary to My written Word, that is not fully in agreement with what I and my prophets have left for you, is a lie and should not be heeded? Do you not know that a half truth is still a lie. My servant David wrote that he had hidden My words in his heart that he might not sin against Me. Read My Scriptures, hide them in your hearts that you might know what is true and what is not.

  I have sent My messengers to warn you of these false words and deeds; I have sent my ministers, prophets and messengers to warn you when you start to go astray and yet, you heed them not because of your pride and vanity. You believe that since you received these words from what you perceive to be an angel of the Lord that they are right, even when they contradict what is in My Scriptures. When my messengers, ministers and prophets warn you of this sin, heed their words and seek My face in prayer and fasting. Purge yourself and repent of your pride, your vanity and submit yourself unto Me and unto those I send to warn you.

  I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God and I am calling to you My children. Beware of that Jezebel spirit of deception that is in My church. That Jezebel spirit that causes My children to fall into sexual immorality and into deeper deception before it pulls you, My beloved children, into so deep that you will no longer hear the warning of my servants.

  Heed the words of this warning so that you will be saved and will be in My perfect will, and able to hear My true voice. Repent for My time to come is at hand. Repent so that you will not be left to face My Father's indignation yet to come."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


  "Didn't my Son warn you that you should let no man deceive you? (Matthew 24:4) Have I not told you to judge all things by My Word and not your heart? ( Isaiah 28:10) Why then do you run to and fro listening to false prophets who tickle your ears with words that you want to hear, rather than listen to the truth from those who are truly anointed? ( 2 Timothy 4:2-4)

  In these last days there are people claiming to be hearing from Me who are not. They speak words that give you temporary comfort, that calm your conscience yet do nothing for your soul. They give you words that make you comfortable in your sin, yet they do not cause you to seek My face in genuine repentance.

  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) that comes only from My Scriptures and only from spending time with Me in prayer and worship. You, My precious children, are being led astray by those who seek only to be well known, who seek after the praise of men and who have rejected My ways. You search after those who write books, who speak great swelling words and those who seem to you to be holy, but whose souls are like white washed tombs containing the bones of those who are dead. You seek after that which makes you feel good within yourselves, yet they do not cause you to seek My face.

  Thus says the Lord, seek Me and I will show you My ways. Seek Me in prayer and true worship and I will lead you in the paths that you need to walk. Seek out My ways through the study of My Scriptures and lean not to your own understanding for your ways are not My ways.

  Weigh what you hear with the Scriptures and with nothing else. There are many who call themselves prophets, whose only goal is that their name will be glorified among men. They seek the praises of men and the honors that man can bestow and yet, they know Me not. These are those which shall stand before My Son and will hear the words "depart from Me for I never knew you" ( Matthew 7:23). These are those that will be weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth from the Lake of Fire for they would not submit to My words and would not hear Me when I spoke to them.

  Hear Me and you shall live. Study My Scriptures ( 2 Timothy 2:15), study the words of My prophets, the words of the Apostles and the words of My Son, for in them you will find life, security, salvation and you will discover the knowledge and truth of My ways. I have spoken to some of you and you have not listened... listen to My voice for I will tell you great things and things you need to know before the time of the end of the age has been fulfilled. Hear the words of the Lord your God."

  There's an old saying that I have come to love... "If your Bible is torn apart, your life isn't." We would all do good to weigh what we hear against the truth that comes from God's precious Word. Rather than take what any preacher, teacher or so-called prophet has to say, we should all dig into the Bible and make sure they are speaking truth. We all should be spending a lot more time in the Bible for ourselves, rather than depend on someone else to tell us what it says.

  Be careful who you listen to and in all cases, check the Word of God for yourself just to be sure. We all have one chance to make Heaven our home, one opportunity to repent before we meet the Father face to face: don't wast yours, please.

Your brother in Christ,
