Tuesday, November 29, 2011


  As we are coming ever closer to the end of the age I'm hearing so many ministers calling on people to repent before the coming of Christ. I too am making this appeal, but the Lord reminded me this morning that we need to be making another appeal, an appeal not to wait another second.

  None of know when we could meet an unfortunate death from a auto accident, a work accident or a sudden medical problem. We never know when our life could suddenly end without a warning and our soul would be required of us. In recent months I've heard stories of men being buried alive while working in a pit; I've watched news stories of high school athletes sustaining head injuries or having an unexplained heart attack while on the football field. Let's face it, we don't know when we might die.

  Less than one second after our bodies cease to operate, our soul will enter one of two places for all eternity. Less than a second after we've taken our final breath on this earth, we'll take our first breath in Heaven or in Hell. Heaven is a place that we plan to go, a place that we have determined in our hearts that we want to see and the only way to go there is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It is a choice that only you can make, not even God makes this choice. We make the decision by an act of faith in Christ, an act that I promise you will not regret.

  The other choice is Hell and I can promise you; there will be more people crying in agony in Hell than there will be celebrating in Heaven. Hell is not a place anyone wants to go to. Hell is filled with souls that if they could, they would repent and leave as quickly as they could. In Hell there is no peace, no happiness and no rest from the endless torture and pain. I can promise you that no one wants to be there, but once there no one ever comes back.

  he point I want to make is this; you have to want to go to Heaven and you have to make Christ your Lord in order to go. Anybody can go to Hell, all you have to do is nothing and that's where you'll end up. All you have to do is just waste your life doing anything and everything your weak and unthankful body wants to do and you will end up in Hell. Again, less than a second after we die we'll either go to be with God or we'll go to be with the devil: there is no other choice or other place.

  If you died in the next five minutes, where would your soul spend eternity? If you drew your last breath in the next five minutes, would you find yourself in Heaven or Hell? You know the answer to this question better than anyone on this planet. You know where your soul would be and no, it has nothing to do with how good you've been. If you haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord, if you haven't done what He said you should do, you will go to hell.

  I'm begging you not to wait another moment to make a decision for Christ. I'm begging you not to wait for someday, but to bow your head and accept Jesus into your heart right now. Just ask your Father to forgive you and ask Jesus to cleanse you. All you have to do is ask, and accept Christ into your heart by faith and you will be saved. This isn't religion, this is a relationship with the God that created you. This is a relationship with the One who will never leave you or let you hang alone ever again. Please, don't wait another moment to make the right choice: ask God to forgive you and He will do just that.

In Christ's service,


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