Thursday, November 17, 2011

Finances, God's Way

  Like so many of you, I’ve been wondering why God has so many pastors, evangelists and teachers teaching on prosperity and the financial blessings available to God’s children. I’ve pondered it many times and, over the past few months, God has even given me some messages on this topic. It’s really quite interesting for anyone who’ll take the time to listen and study it out.

  Much of what people believe is based on the tradition of me and manmade doctrines that do nothing but take away God’s power and God’s ability to bless His children financially. Much of what I was taught growing up was either wrong or not quite right and, the reason for this was bad theology. God has been opening my eyes to some wonderful things in this subject that I never knew; I wasn’t taught and have revolutionized my thinking.

  While I was praying today, God gave me some insight in this topic and gave me the first seven chapter topics for a book that I’m going to write. Some of the things He revealed to me while He was talking to me got me excited and made me see where I’ve been making a lot of mistakes in my own thinking and my own giving habits. God also showed me some of the things I’ve heard colleagues in the ministry say were actually right on target.

  The reason God has so many teaching this is because there will soon be a time when the only people who have money, who have the ability to take care of their family will be those who have been tithing, giving and planting seeds God’s way. There will soon be a time that only those who have placed their full faith and trust in God, who have been laying up stores and finances will have them. God will always take care of His people, but those who will learn these lessons and will do what God says do will have more than enough to weather the storm. Those who understand God’s way, will faithfully tithe and plant financial seeds in good ground and will put their full faith and trust in God; those are the ones who will have more than enough.

  I’m starting this book tonight and I hope to have it written and self published by the beginning of 2012. The things I’m writing about came from God and the Scriptural references will more than explain it. There is a biblical blessing over the finances of a Believer, and the sooner we figure this out, the sooner we’ll enjoy God’s blessing in all areas of our lives. If you’re sick and tired of being broke, not being able to save, not being able to bless people and ministries when you want to then this book will help you figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it immediately. 

  One of the things that God told me is that this book will be written in such a way that even a sinner, a person who isn’t versed in the Bible will be able to understand and put it into practice. This book will be easy to read and written in a non-theological way so that even kids can read it and know what to do.
  Will keep you guys posted on the books progress and when it will be available online. I hope and pray that this book is so successful that we can get a Christian publisher to pick it and publish it so mare people have an opportunity to read it, learn it and do it.

God bless you all richly,


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